Monday, March 12, 2012

Number Four

4. I'm religiously challenged.

Like you have no idea. And I can't even yell "I'm an atheist" and forget about it. Oh no! I kinda wish I could sometimes so then I wouldn't have to think about it. But I was raised Christian and even though I have some problems with it there are a lot of problems I have without it too. Right now, I technically consider myself an agnostic, but I lie to my mom about it because she just can't handle it. I told her I was getting another tattoo yesterday and she freaked out about how I'm "getting farther and farther away from God and hate going to church." I'm tired of hearing it.
I just don't think it is fair that people are brought into existence with no regard to the fact that they never even asked for it and now all of a sudden they have to guess which religion is right and if you get it wrong: HELL FOR YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY! BURN, BABY, BURN!
Not fair.

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